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Emailed to list on: July 5, 2003

Toxic Sludge used on cropland!

Hi Everyone,

"Toxic Sludge Is Good For You" is a great book written by the people behind the excellent site http://www.prwatch.org

Recently I came across an article there describing what happens to sixty percent of the sewer sludge disposed of in the United States each year.

WARNING! What follows might make you angry and cause you to take action!

Below is the story which can be found at:

(If you want to read the story from the site, complete with links to related stories, click on http://www.prwatch.org/spin/June_2003.html and then scroll down to Thursday, June 26, 2003, second story down)

[begin exerpt]
Toxic Sludge Is NOT Good For You

Eight years ago, in 1995, PR Watch broke the stunning story of how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promoted the use of toxic sewage sludge as cheap farm fertilizer . The major media failed to report the story. This EPA scandal became a long chapter in our 1995 book Toxic Sludge Is Good for You, documenting the deceptive EPA PR campaign. We're glad to see that the New York Times is discovering the toxic sludge issue, but it's a little late because today most sewage sludge (including New York city's) is spread onto farmland. One serious error in the Times article is the false and misleading statement that "organic farmers prefer biosolids [the EPA's PR term for sludge] over chemical fertilizers." In fact, the only way to avoid crops and animals raised on sewage sludge is to buy certified organic food. Consumers and organic farmers defeated the EPA's efforts to allow food grown in sludge to be called "organic." Source: New York Times, June 26, 2003
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There is a link to a New York Times article (registration required). Here is a small portion.

[begin exerpt]
Sixty percent of the 5.6 million tons of sewer sludge disposed of in the country is processed, relabeled "biosolids" and applied to land, according to industry figures.
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I recently added http://www.prwatch.org to the links section at:
http://www.live-food.com/resources/weblinks.html to make the site and other excellent sites easy to get to.

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