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Intro Delivery/Catering Restaurants/Take Out What to Make? List of Foods

Here are is a list of live food dishes that you can make. Click to see a picture of the dish, a list of ingredients and other details (21 seconds at 28.8 kb). Some of the dishes have links to pages where you can order books on live food preparation.

Name of Dish

Made By


Celestial Pecan Pie Rhio More...
Flax Cracker with Spicy Pate Valya Boutenko More...
Frisee Salad Bobbie Flowers More...
Kiwi Strawberry Pie Hubert Davis More...
Live Pizza Susan More...
Soaked Apricots Tony White More...
Spinach Casserole Nadine's Kitchen More...
Sweet Potato Souffle Nadine's Kitchen More...
Walnut stuffed peppers Shazzie More...